Why Hiring a Property Manager Might Not Be the Solution: The Case for Self-Managing Your Rental Property

Aug 31, 2024

As a landlord, you want to ensure that your rental property is well-maintained, your tenants are happy, and your investment is protected. When the demands of property management start to feel overwhelming, the natural inclination might be to hire a property manager. However, while property management services can offer convenience, they aren’t always the best solution. In fact, self-managing your rental property might be a better option that provides you with greater control, cost savings, and a more hands-on approach to managing your investment.

1. The Cost Factor

Property managers typically charge a percentage of your monthly rental income, which can range from 8% to 12%, in addition to other fees for services such as tenant placement, maintenance coordination, and lease renewals. For landlords with multiple properties or even just one, these costs can quickly add up, eating into your profits.

Why Self-Manage?
By self-managing your rental property, you eliminate these fees, allowing you to keep more of your rental income. With the right tools and knowledge, you can effectively manage your property without the need for a costly middleman.

Take Action: If you’re worried about the learning curve, start by enrolling in a free landlord class that covers the basics of property management. You can also download my free eBook for insights into cost-effective property management strategies.

2. Control and Decision-Making

When you hire a property manager, you’re handing over a significant amount of control over your property. While this can be convenient, it also means that you may not have the final say in important decisions, such as tenant selection, maintenance priorities, or rent adjustments.

Why Self-Manage?
Self-managing gives you direct control over every aspect of your rental property. You can make decisions quickly, based on your own judgment and knowledge of the property, ensuring that your investment is managed according to your standards.

Take Action: To gain confidence in making these decisions, consider taking one of my online courses that provides detailed guidance on tenant management, maintenance, and more.

3. Building Relationships with Tenants

One of the often-overlooked benefits of self-management is the opportunity to build direct relationships with your tenants. These relationships can lead to better communication, higher tenant satisfaction, and ultimately, longer lease terms.

Why Self-Manage?
By interacting directly with your tenants, you can address their concerns more efficiently, understand their needs, and foster a positive rental experience. Happy tenants are more likely to renew their leases, reducing turnover and vacancy rates.

Take Action: Effective tenant communication is key. Follow me on Instagram @first_time_landlord for daily tips on how to communicate effectively with your tenants and build strong relationships.

4. Flexibility and Adaptability

Property managers often operate within a specific framework, which can limit their flexibility in handling unique situations or adapting to changing market conditions. This lack of flexibility can be frustrating for landlords who need a more tailored approach to managing their property.

Why Self-Manage?
Self-managing allows you to be more adaptable and responsive to the needs of your property and tenants. Whether it’s adjusting rent prices based on market trends or addressing a tenant’s specific request, self-management gives you the flexibility to make changes quickly and efficiently.

Take Action: Stay informed about market trends and best practices in property management by joining my free landlord class and exploring my online courses.

5. Avoiding Potential Pitfalls of Property Managers

While there are many reputable property managers, not all provide the level of service you might expect. Issues such as lack of communication, unethical maintenance practices, and negligence in tenant placement can create more problems than they solve.

Why Self-Manage?
By managing your property yourself, you can avoid these potential pitfalls. You’ll have direct oversight of all aspects of your property, ensuring that everything is handled with care and attention to detail.

Take Action: Learn more about common property management issues and how to avoid them by downloading my free eBook and following me on Instagram @first_time_landlord.

6. Learning and Growth

Managing your own rental property allows you to develop valuable skills that can be applied to future investments or even other areas of your life. From financial management to negotiation and problem-solving, the experience gained from self-management is invaluable.

Why Self-Manage?
Every challenge you face as a self-managing landlord is an opportunity to learn and grow. Over time, you’ll build confidence in your abilities and become a more effective and successful property owner.

Take Action: Start building your skills today by enrolling in my online courses, which cover all aspects of property management, from tenant screening to legal compliance.


While hiring a property manager might seem like the easiest solution, it’s not always the best one. Self-managing your rental property offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, greater control, stronger tenant relationships, and the opportunity to learn and grow. With the right resources and support, you can confidently take on the responsibilities of managing your property and enjoy the rewards that come with it.

For more tips and resources on successful self-management, visit Landlord Strategy, where you can access my free eBook, free landlord class, and online courses.Follow me on Instagram @landlord_strategy for daily insights and inspiration.

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